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"Who are You to Question God?" (Dumb Things People Say to Atheists Part 4) - Prophet of Zod

phxbillcee 10 Jan 17

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My favorite line was always "Yall just wanna sin." Lol


If there is no god (my belief) the whole issue (and potential conversation) would seem to be a complete waste of my time.

I'm a total anti theist.

@freeofgod You go girl! I'll point 'em out, you can launch the attack!


Who are they to question me : ))


I love this, but you'll never get a Christian to listen to it to the end.


Haha! No one has ever said that to me, but I get alot of crap quoted at me, like if they say it enough it will come true. "I am a jealous God" Is proof that he is not perfect, of he wouldn't get jealous, lol. I tell people that there are currently 6000 gods being worshiped right now. That means that the person I am talking to doesn't believe in 5999 gods. I ask them to allow me to not believe in one more than them.


answer: i am not questioning god. there is no god. i have no questions whatsoever for a nonentity.


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