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Just got back from a cruise in the eastern Caribbean... leave for the Bahamas for a tall sail ship cruise in two weeks. Life is sure rough. Lol

Miamagoo 5 Jan 18

Enjoy being online again!

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People really shaming this lady for not having it bad lol.

Yes, we know people suffer, that sucks, let this woman liiiiiive.

If you're commenting on this post, keep in mind that there are those who cannot afford such luxuries like the internet. FOOD AND RENT AND MEDICAL CARE are priorities for a lot of folks.

oh Pandy, you're such a realist


I love to travel and have travelled to more than several countries and consider myself fortunate in that regard. However, I see no point in bragging or wallowing in my being able to afford to travel to different countries....🙂


The best cruise I have enjoyed was on a 100' sailing ship out of Camden, Me. We sailed around Penobscot Bay for a week. Everything about it was fantastic.


I don't know why but I envy you. Did you get a sunburn.


So, you're just rubbing it in? What?


Couples that cruise together love together...have that carnival shirt dark blue turquoise message art

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