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The Link Between Power Lines and Wildfires

I saw a news item that a California power utility (PG&E) is about to declare bankruptcy because of its legal liability for causing so many wildfires in the past few years. Wondering what the problem was, I found this article. Now you know why responsible utilities keep a well-maintained clear-cut when their lines go through the woods.


John_Tyrrell 7 Jan 19

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To maintain this clear cut is expensive and requires continuous effort by the company. However equipment could be designed to do the work better and at a lower cost.


What? for causing the largest, deadliest fire in California's history? where hundreds of people and animals were burned alive trying to flee? and thousands were displaced and homeless? That fire? Fuck them, Fuck our crumbling infrastructure and fuck our climate change denying government. The blood is on their hands.


Why does the U.S. still have above ground electrical lines? It's insane. All other modern, western countries buried a majority of their electrical a long time ago. Who wants wires overhead everywhere you go?

@John_Tyrrell Sweden has those too. In non-populated areas. In cities, though, you won't see any electrical lines. I mean... It's ugly, and not as safe as them being dug under ground. Los Angeles has these lines everywhere - some people even have them in their backyards.

I can understand having them above ground in the middle of nowhere, but at least TRY to not make your cities look like its still 1935. This is just one part of America's incredible infrastructure problem.

@John_Tyrrell Not as long as they keep giving tax cuts to the rich.

@Sticks48 You are completely correct. The latest round of tax cuts by Trump and the republicans will cost TRILLIONS over a ten year period. That money could have paid for a revamp of practically ALL the infrastructure that needs renovating.

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