only athiesm can create unconditional love.
As romantic love goes, I don't believe unconditional love exists, except when someone has such a poor self image they will love someone regardless of how poorly they are treated, but that is just sick.
thiest's love controlled by society, chase by fear of god, capitalist sytem with a furse intension to travel to heaven.
that is completely ridiculous and untrue.
besides, there is no such thing as athiesm. atheism, on the other hand, exists, but has nothing to do with the ability to love, or types of love. atheism doesn't create love or hatred or anything else. to say it does is to confess to not having a clue what atheism is.
How can the absence of belief in god generate love? This is a non-sequitur. The two have nothing to do with each other.
Maybe a less overthought statement is that one is more likely to have a better quality of love if it's not animated by unsubstantiated assertions and random dogmas.
Sorry dude but the only thing in this world that I’ve ever seen display unconditional love is an animal and even then that’s not 100%.
Even as an atheist you automatically have an expectation that who ever you’ll love will have to share in your belief system and your statement already confirms that.
So until humans can learn to openly accept all others unconditionally then in no way will we ever be able to love unconditionally.