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Mental Health Super Powers - Love it!

MsHoliday 8 Jan 20

Enjoy being online again!

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I'll remove the forgiveness one, it's quite useless. Expressing gratitude is a hit or miss, so I'm not sure.

The common wisdom is that unforgiveness is like drinking poison and expecting your enemy to die. You forgive to release the pain that they have caused you. It doesn't mean you forget, it just means you come to acceptance of it. Does it work? Someday ask me about my ex, or don't.

Now gratitude is something I do try to practice as often as possible. I always tell my kids how proud I am of the adults they have become. I try to build up others, and encourage them. When we are encouraged we are stronger, and right now we need to be strong. I am grateful to this site and the amazing people I've met on here. I am grateful to you for your presence here, and allowing me the opportunity to hopefully help. I'm sure the jury is out on that one.

@HippieChick58 haha, it doesn't do anything for me. I just keep it moving. Forgive only those who put in the work to be forgived.

@HippieChick58 well for me some folks don't give a fuck about gratitude or just shit on it entirely. Reserve it for when the time is right and with the right person, or if you're doing it for your own personal gain.

@HippieChick58 I have absolutely no problem not forgiving certain people. It doesn't weigh on me even a tiny bit.

@Sticks48 that's right lol

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