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As Paul Harvey used to say, …"And now for the rest of the story"... I dislike when the media does this. Promote one side of a story in hopes that it will go viral and the submit another less sensational and more truthful side that portrays a different picture. []

IAJO163 8 Jan 21

Enjoy being online again!

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Everybody is so ready to poke at everybody these days...

We "see" what we are shown most of the time in these quick little snippets from the media of choice...

Watch. React. Stop. Breathe. Research. Comment.



SCal Level 7 Jan 21, 2019

Pretty sad that CNN just got around to reporting the full story when other sources have been posting the full videos since Saturday.


I was just thinking about the same exact thing. I try very hard to take what the media reports with a grain of salt. Even when the narrative is or is not according to my personal, political, or non-religious beliefs. Bottom line: the media sells burgers. And they will skew, manipulate, and outright lie, to keep it's audience watching, listening, or reading. I do not find the narrative of Mr. Phillips credible. Not even an iota.

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