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Muhammad was a warlord. I can understand how the barbarity of Islam compels the Sunnis and Shihites to war against and kill each other.
I do not believe that the members of the Catholic Church and the Church of England could behave similarly. Christ is portrayed as the "Prince of Peace", whose "kingdom is not of this world".
Is Frans Timmermans correct? Are the two Irish nations still motivated by hatred for each other?

PBuck0145 7 Jan 21

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Far too many people resort to "whatabaoutism" to pass the buck and avoid dealing with today's real dangers associated with the imperialist objectives of the ideology of "the prophet".

Without the Sharia "Death to Apostates" edict, Muhammadanism would likely have disappeared centuries ago.


No single real person ever earned the title prince of peace....divine right rulers are rapists, dope dealers, Fascist emperors, misogynistic theocrats and oxymoronic "celibate pedophiles"


Catholics have murdered far more people than throat slitting muslims and genocidal Israelis....Buddhists Hindus Sikhs Shintos and Jains all belong on the list of guilty unforgivable faiths....even the Dali Lama let more of his people be killed needlessly when he escaped his country blathering pacifism instead of negotiating with Chinese invaders


You need to look into the history. Christians did and do kill each other. The Catholic church went threw the reformation where it split into Methodist, Church of England, Lutheran etc, etc. Many people died during that time. When Mohammad died one part believed that his grandson was the one to follow and the other did wanted to follow someone else. Not that different from Christianity. By the way the Spanish inquisition lasted over 600 years and then we have the knights of St John who went and slaughter in the name of the Christian religion. So yes the Christians do a lot of killing.


Perhaps the point of the post could have been stated more explicitly: It will be a historic blunder (IMHO) if tensions between the two Irish nations sabotage Brexit, and the people of Britain thereby fail to regain independence from the dictates of the European Commission.


My friend, your historical perspective seems to be viewed through cracked lenses.
Numerous wars and other struggles have erupted over the Reformation.
The Irish situation is complex, folks tend to forget that the historical religious dimension is three-cornered.
The Irish have often been under valued: a country that can deal with distances in kilometers, speeds in mph, gasoline sold in litres, fuel consumption measured in miles per gallon and two currencies (if my memory serves me correctly) could probably solve this problem.


My question to you is, why are you trying to figure out the motivations of the delusional?
The "christians" aren't any less violent and/or irrational than the islamics.

You are ignoring the evidence of current world events.

@PBuck0145 Please don't assume I'm "ignoring" anything.
That would be a mistake.

@KKGator Perhaps not "ignoring". Maybe "denying".

@PBuck0145 Neither. Why are you being so insistent?

@KKGator Evidence. In 2018, how many killings have been committed in the name of Christianity?

@PBuck0145 Neither is better than the other. It makes no sense to "make a case" for either.
ALL religion sucks.
What you're doing is like saying "arsenic kills fewer people than cyanide."
It's ALL poison.

@KKGator I infer that you believe the dozen or so deaths committed in the name of Christianity compared to 1975 committed in the name of Islam to be irrelevant, and that Christianity is every bit as violent as Islam. I have no problem with rejecting all religions. I do have some dubious respect for those who follow life-affirming (albeit dogmatic) doctrines. Islam, however, worships death.

@PBuck0145 I would say a lot. It's the so called Christian nations who are in Syria. Who were in Libya, who give money to the so called ISIS.

@PBuck0145 LOL You can infer whatever you please. It doesn't make you correct.

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