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Before the next post on foreign powers interfering in domestic politics, read this.


powder 8 Jan 23

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I never read RT its the Russian equivalent of Fox news

Worse than Fox News.


U.S. imperialism to spread "freedom" and corrupt capitalism everywhere. The U.S. has been aiming to destroy all leftist Latin countries for a long time. Some will look at the website as the source and ignore it though because it's RT.

@powder So just how many anti or critical stories have they run about Putin? Or any other of the states policies?

@powder I'm just saying that others are quick to shoot it down. I listen to the content and then try to corroborate it with other sources anyway. I also looked it up on Google and found mainstream articles on it too. See what I mean though ^^^ lol

But CNN is perfectly bi-partisan to some people and not an establishment propaganda channel lol

@powder Has a general consensus been reached that CNN is a propaganda tool for the US government?

@bingst Most, if not all, mainstream media is. There are studies done by FAIR and others that breakdown the demographics of all these channels "expert" guests which are usually ex-military, corporate, or establishment stooges.


Exactly, the US has been doing this for years!!!!!!


You wasted my time.

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