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Thank you to the Air Traffic Controllers in New York, New Jersey, and Philadelphia.
They are the ones who forced an end to 45's stupid shutdown.

KKGator 9 Jan 25

Enjoy being online again!

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This is wonderful. I have been paying even less attention to the news since this shut down. FINALLY, for once, I go to bed thinking it's all gloom and doom. Get up, get my coffee, log on and it's ENDED. Elated and yet I had to check several sites to make sure it was true. smfh


What has happened to America, that one person can toy with it like this? You're losing your democracy.

We lost it a long time ago.


Thank you air controllers. Get some rest.


Oh that's good news for all those poor people. I doubt any Brits would go to work for free


I heard the head of the air traffic controllers speaking on the radio last night and he said it was just a question of time before somebody made a mistake because of the added stress of the shutdown. When air traffic controllers make mistakes, planes crash.

Yes...and if it happened, he would have the blood of all those killed on his hands and couldn't risk it...

@thinktwice The blood wouldn't bother him but the resulting drop in the polls would.

@Surfpirate is always about him and who loves him.....

@thinktwice that's how narcissists are. 😟

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