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There is someone with an eye-patch sitting in front of me in a star bucks. I think he's Nick Fury and he's gonna try to recruit me into the Avengers. My superhero time has come.

BrokenMarrow 7 Jan 25

Enjoy being online again!

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@BrokenMarrow if only I was 15 years younger!?

Your superpower would have to be 'Animal Control' so you can tame the beast within me. ?

Okay, let me stop. ?

I'm getting creepy again! ???

You're adorable


Oh, you do love to dream don't you.


Cool- what's your superhero name and what costume?

I need to come up with one

@BrokenMarrow The Hot Stud? 🙂

@UrsiMajor more like The Average Loooking Man

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