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You've got to love this site and community. Somebody's being a dick and they get ripped to shreds (In short order) It makes my day to see a pillock getting eviscerated. What good sport 🙂

ipdg77 8 Jan 25

Enjoy being online again!

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I live to call BS!


I'm going to make an ass out of you and me and assume I know who you're talking about. Since my assumptions are always right.. ... ..I think it's funny cause with his username, you'd think he prides himself on starting shit and making people upset, but based on his post, I'd say he was the one who got anal cavity hurt over something.


Hey!! You are in the U.S.A. now! Speak English! There is no such thing as a "Pillock" here! Its "Dolt", "Blatherskite", "Douch Bag" or "Twit". If you cannot speak English, go back where you came from! We can't stand people who come here and don't learn the language. But, if you are posting to this site from Great Britain, welcome. 🙂

Welcome it is then - Phew! 🙂

No you in the US don't speak proper English like the Queen does.

@Jolanta It is as Winston Churchill said..."Two peoples without a language in common."

@creative51 You do.


What did I miss?

JimG Level 8 Jan 25, 2019

Nothing particular. There's usually a troll or an idiot that just gets swamped with abuse lol

You missed someone talking funny.

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