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I decided to give the community a little more insight into myself. so here it goes.

I am a man of honor. This may seem to be a cryptic statement, but as I will entail, it means much more than those simple words. These days, honor seems to be a super power. Something that makes one different from all of the rest.

I am honest. I never lie. Not to hide myself, hide my thoughts, spare someone their feelings, spread the belief in a fictitious deity/fantasy, or even to protect my own life. Does that mean I will answer every question, even if it can hurt me, like my security numbers or whatnot? Of course not. If I'm asked something that is no ones business but my own, I simply do not answer. I don't lie to anyone. EVER. Honesty is part of honor.

I am loyal. Loyalty means never turning your back on those you care about. Never turning your back to your own beliefs. Never turning your back on those that rely on you. Loyalty is part of honor.

I am compassionate. Compassion/empathy is feeling what another feels. Putting yourself into the place of another in order to understand their point of view. When seeing another person in pain, being the one that is there for them. Compassion is part of honor.

I am altruistic. Altruism is doing good for another without expecting anything in return, be it money, to make ones self feel good, or for a belief that ones deity will reward them for it in a heaven. True altruism does good for the good of mankind. Altruism is part of honor.

I am chivalrous. Chivalry is not holding a door open for a woman for that shows a woman that you think her incapable of doing things for herself. That is an insult. Chivalry is doing things for others that they truly can't do for themselves. Like helping an elderly person cross the street. Or defending the weak. Women are not weak, nor are they incapable of doing things for themselves(unless they are disabled in someway). Treating them as such is an insult. Chivalry is part of honor.

I am valorous. Valor is standing up to odds that are against you for the greater good. This does not mean running headlong into a fight you can't win. It means using your intelligence to know when you can fight and when you have to wait to fight. Fighting is not always physical, sometimes it is mental. Intelligence is a must for true valor. Valor is part of honor.

I have humility. Humility is knowing that you don't know everything. No one can know everything. Humility means always striving to learn more. Humility is part of honor.

I have integrity. Integrity is doing what is right, even when not under scrutiny. Doing what is right when it matters and when it doesn't. Doing what is right when tested, or when the outcome is dangerous. In short, integrity is doing what is right. Always. Integrity is part of honor.

I am kind. Kindness is being good to friends, family, and strangers alike. Even if the one you're dealing with is an enemy, kindness is still needed. The measure of a man can be shown even when he shows kindness to his enemies. This does not mean that he allows his enemy to roll over him. It only means that he shows kindness when it matters. Kindness is part of honor.

I am a teacher. Teaching is what one does to encourage the wisdom/knowledge of others. To not let what one learns to fade into obscurity. One never hides what one learns so that others may gain. Teaching is part of honor.

I have respect. Respect is having reverence to the thoughts, feelings, well being, and otherwise property of others, as well as things outside of the self. Respecting friends, enemies, and strangers alike. Respect is part of honor.

Honor is more important than any society. More important than any belief structure in a religion. More important than deities, demigods, leaders, prophets, or any personal ethics. Honor places one above animals, but even animals have some honor amongst themselves. Few in the world know what real honor is, and I have created this telling so that others will know honor.
I am a man of honor. What are you?

Meiliken 6 Feb 21

Enjoy being online again!

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. Wow to bad were not a female..


Perhaps your essay belongs in the Testimonials category, instead of Philosophy & Meaning? Having at times been accused of wordiness, I've tried to write more succinctly, and so I will offer this observation. Lengthy self-aggrandizments often achieve the exact opposite of the hoped for result.

It's here so that it garners discussion on a philosphical level. Hence being in the perfect place.

@Meiliken It being in the perfect place is a call best made by the community.


I just want to say, you sound like a very honorable person but I hold the door for everybody. Its just the polite thing to do, man or woman, I do it. I lie all the time. I tell ugly old women how beautiful they look today. I listen to boring people like I am interested in what they have to say. I pretend to be happy even when I feel down and depressed. I try to encourage people even when their situation is bleak. I say , no you don't look fat in that dress. I tell children what a great job they did even when it sucked(as long as they tried). I'm a liar, guilty as charged and don't see anything wrong with it

you can hang with me


I believe all those things except telling the truth all the time. Sometimes, I believe the truth must be swayed. Sometimes when a person asks for the truth, that's not actually what they want. You're dress is pretty( who am I to say what she likes I have to like also), you're hair looks good ( as long a they like it, it's good enough for me!)

If someone wants you to lie them, that is their failing. Encouraging such is encouraging lying. So if one enourages such, they can never claim to be offended when one does so them.

I lie all the time! Every day! It’s becoming an art forn, really.... I’m finessing my lies in verbal exchanges as well as in written word forms. I have to lie! I feel compelled to lie! Lies are moving this universe, I feel it’s my duty to lie as I have no truths to serve anyone. /s


?? I'm not sure why you wrote this treatise, but if you want to impress the ladies, try humor, listening to them, asking relevant questions to show interest, and if you live nearby, inviting a lady who attracts you to meet for coffee.

I wrote this to give insight into who I am. Not looking to impress. I'm in no competition with anyone. I'm humorous at times. Others, contemplative. In regards to ladies, I don't chase. I'm somewhat confused by your response. Why would one come to the conclusions you did? In any event, I hope you understand.

@Meiliken Because it's not something people normally do. If your motivation is to inspire a woman to message you and try to get together with you, I suppose it could work with the right person, but not the usual way men meet women.

Heh, I'm not a normal person. As for my motivation, it is altruism. I wish only for others to learn what true honor is. I also doubt there are any women for me. For if they can't live up to my honor code, I don't look their way.

@Meiliken The way it usually works is that men to pursue women and to have to live up to their standards. But there are plenty of male-ish women who might want someone with more female traits, who want females to pursue them instead. Both my brothers were that way..too female in traits to chase anyone.

I'm very male. I just don't think with my dick. I'm more logical. If a female wants me, she has to pursue me. In any event, that's a discussion outside of my honor code. If you wish to go more indepth, you can always pm me.

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