Morph these to fit Billary, ObushaObombney, BoyBush, daddyBush & ReaGUN then you will have the story of USA complete since Jimmah went back to Plains teaching Sunday School
"Yes," said the man behind the desk. "We're lucky. If Deutscher had gotten in, we'd have the
worst kind of dictatorship. There's an anti everything man for you, a militarist, anti-Christ, antihuman, anti-intellectual. People called us up, you know, joking but not joking. Said if Deutscher
became President they wanted to go live in 1492. Of course it's not our business to conduct
Escapes, but to form Safaris. Anyway, Keith's President now. All you got to worry about is-"
I still think someone went back in time and stepped on a butterfly. It's the only reasonable explanation.
Well, he blew the Peter Principle out of the water. He is so far beyond his level of incompetence it is dangerous.