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What do you know about Paganism/Wicca etc?

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Orbit 7 Jan 27

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For a while I dabbled as a solitary practitioner. It's a modernized form of the pre-paternalistic pagan religions, What attracted me was the balance of female and male deities (and the fact that there wasn't just a grumpy old man), the fact that there is no concept of satan, and the tenet that if you do harm to anyone it comes back on you threefold. Some of their beliefs sound very much like the Hyppocratic oath -- that foremost you do no harm. I never got into the whole idea of casting spells because it seems as dumb as praying to a christian god to get something --often for yourself and often pretty petty. I tried to think of it as just trying to channel or honor the forces in the universe and that didn't work, either. It is true that most of the important christian holidays were lifted from pagan holidays as a way of co-opting potential practitioners. But the pagan and Wiccan holidays are much 'jucier' -- they celebrate fertility and the harvest, and the turning of the year so the light returns. Also Wicca is FAR less prudish about sexuality than most religions. But in the end, it is just another religion.


Just more woo


P.S. "Pagan" comes from the Latin "paganus", meaning "country-dweller", or "bumpkin" or "hayseed", basically--an unsophisticated rural type who hasn't (yet) adopted the en vogue cosmopolitan ways of Rome--particulary the religion--and still worships the "old gods" and follows the cultural practices native to their home region. It may not have started out as a slur, but it definitely became one--especially by the time of the Holy Roman Empire and killing people who wouldn't convert, rather than just making fun of them.

Nowadays "pagan" has been coopted by the dominating cult of Christianity to mean any dinky, backwater indigenous religion (that is better off replaced by Christianity).


My ex was a wiccan. Its about reclaiming the female goddess of pre-Christian times. Its about believing in a form of manna. Majority of wiccan witches and warlocks only practice what they refer to a white or good spells, which are intended to clarify or help the object of the spell. There are sects that practice black spells, but they are few and far between. Absolutely nothing Satanic in Wicca. Is primarily paganistic and worship of the feminine.

Satan also has to be real in order for it to be satanic. Lol


Nothing really, no interest, don't care.


I was Wiccan for almost 3 decades and heavily involved in the pagan community.
What do you want to know?

Did you notice hypocrisy in their beliefs? What made you decide to leave? Do they really believe they are practicing magic? What evidence do they use to support their belief that they are?

@Meili Wow. So...there are literally hundreds of different Wiccan traditions. Hypocrisy? Like what? I left for personal reasons which aren't relevant to this discussion. Really believe they are practicing magic? Some do, some don't, some do to varying degrees. Again...Wiccan practices are as varied as the covens. Evidence? Again....Wiccan practices are as individual as the practitioners.....their "evidence" with all anecdotal and "personal" as opposed to scientific.

@SkotlandSkye I don't know enough to ask specifics about hypocrisy. That question stemmed from my awareness of the hypocrisy I see in Christianity. I wondered if maybe that was an issue in Wiccan beliefs as well.

I didn't realize different covens had different traditions. I was under the impression that Wiccan was a specific religion and that witchcraft was the broader category. I guess I thought all wiccans were very similar.

I used to believe that real magic was a possibility and that's what made me curious about Wiccan beliefs and witchcraft in general. I looked into it briefly but eventually I concluded that their magic was as valid as Christian miracles. I was wondering if I had surmised correctly.

@Meili there is no centralized Wiccan dogma or governing text. Each coven chooses its own pantheon and creates their own rituals. But there are also thousands of solitary practitioners as coven membership is not a given. The only thing generally agreed upon and followed by all is the Wiccan Rede—-“as long as you Harm None, do what you want”.

@SkotlandSkye Ah, then I guess in some sense, I'm Wiccan. 😉

@Meili This is my right forearm tattoo

@SkotlandSkye Wow. That's an impressive tattoo.

@Meili thanks....I designed it. 🙂 at least 20 people went on to get an identical one because they liked mine so much. I should have had it trademarked. LOL

@SkotlandSkye You should! Lol

@Meili eh. It's been almost 20 years since I designed it. I suppose it's in the public domain now.


I've read a great deal about them. I know they are pretty much modern ideas of what pre-christian Europeans should have practiced. Aside from being a little airy in nature (no pun intended.) They are generally, but not always, less self-righteous and obnoxious than other religions.

JimG Level 8 Jan 27, 2019

I know a great deal and have practiced in the past. Not my thing.


I know a bit and enjoy reading about Wicca and Celtic and Nordic based pagan rites. Using natural herbs to their best advantage and celebrating the turn of the seasons brings me joy. I do not consider myself a practicioner of any rite.


There's a few steps between nothing much and they are satanic. I looked into them for a while but it never really clicked.

They are not satanic. You must have come across a coven that had twisted the practice. Nothing about Satan in true wiccan.

@t1nick I wasn't saying they were satanic. Originally the poll gave the options: not really, nothing much, and they are satanic. I was saying they missed a few options.


You didn't list any options for knowing what paganism is, what wicca is, or anything that would indicate someone is relatively familiar with them.

Your poll is skewed. Does that reflect your personal feelings about the subject matter?

No, it actually reflects stereotypes, not personal views. I have an intellectual interest in comparative religion, and those are the things I most often hear when I interview people about paganism. Feel free to expand with a different answer category.


"Satan" has No place in Wicca! That is Xian propaganda to justify persecution/murder/ seizure of assets from herbalists.
Paganism covers a Huge territory, from a diety in every tree to Zeus, Freya, et al.....


"Some", definitely "more than the average bear."

I considered myself Wiccan/pagan for a few years. There are many "traditions", but AFAIK they are all pretty much reboots and rebrands of what we modern folks take certain pre-Christian religious/spiritual/cultural traditions to be--particulary the European ones.

Some common elements/themes:

  • "Polytheism", "Pantheons", Goddess-worship, the divine feminine, the Great God & Goddess
  • Feminism, egalitarianism, environmentalism, animal rights, pacifism, peace, sex-positive, social justice, etc.
  • Astrology, divination (palmistry, Tarot, scrying, etc.), herbalism, crystals, "energy" or "light" "work" or healing (e.g. Reiki, Kundalini, etc.)
  • Personal power, personal responsibility; the Golden Rule, the Wiccan Rede: "An it harm none, do what thou wilt."

"Druids" by Morgan Llewelyn (historical fiction) is IMO an EXCELLENT book for anyone interested in the roots of modern paganism. It covers the development in Gaulish druidic culture during the time of Roman incursions, and deals a lot with the spiritual, cultural, and practical (e.g. law, medicine) concerns of the Gauls (pre-Roman, pre-Christian French Celtic tribes). It's one of my favorite books.


There should be other answers

Feel free to give your own answer here in the comments.


not much except it's neither "black magic" nor of great interest to me, since i have no desire to worship anything or anyone, be it nature or a god or a devil or a grapefruit. oh, nature (as an all-encompassing label) and grapefruits (as a specific entity) exist, whereas gods and devils don't, but existence is only one issue. the act of worshiping itself is also an issue. i just don't see the need.


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