Do you believe in ghosts?
I'm fairly new here and I love this place - it's an amazing combination of atheist discussion and dating! But something I find confusing in reading some people's profiles is how many atheists describe themselves as believing in ghosts. To me, a big part of being an atheist is choosing hard evidence over unproven belief. I'm interested to hear how someone who dismisses god could think ghosts are real.
I have never experienced a ghost, but some intelligent, sane (and at the time sober) people I know have. The descriptions and circumstances (independent observations of a similar apparition at different times) seem to rule out natural phenomena, so there does seem to be some evidence of something “ghostlike.” Being of a scientific mind, I do not dismiss reliable information simply because I can’t explain it.
I don’t believe in any of that nonsense. I had a funny conversation with my 12 year old a few weeks ago. He told me he didn’t know if he could be an atheist because he still thinks there’s monsters in the closet at night. I kinda giggled and we discussed it. I’m sure there’s a gray area for lots of people.. immaturity aside.
Wow, I'm surprised at the response to my post, though the replies (most don't believe in ghosts) seems about right. Though a few people said they believe. The only specific comment I'll address for now is this one from powder: "It could be argued that every society than conducts funeral rites believe in ghosts. If not, why don't we just dispose of corpses efficiently?"
I don't see a relation between believing in ghosts and how bodies are disposed of. Personally, I think burial is a waste of land, and especially a waste of wood for caskets. My living will gives any remaining useful bits of me to medicine, with the rest disposed of as cheaply as possible. The entire funeral industry is a scam IMO. But that's a different issue.
I'm an atheist and do not believe in ghosts. My ex-boyfriend was also atheist, but believed in all kinds of woo and psychic powers, including a voice that spoke to him many years ago and told him to look after a particular woman for the rest of his life. (Hint: it wasn't me.)
His belief in that ghost causes him to sacrifice a lot of his life (and money) toward this woman he dated for a few years, though that was not our only problem. He is loyal to the promise he made to this ghost, who he has come to believe was her dead father. I think he was just searching for something to drive his life and feel a dedication for, since he has no one.
So, even though we were both atheists, meaning non-belief in god/s, he still believes in lots of supernatural things, that I simply can not understand and can't abide.
Ghost are like gods the lack substance and evidence.
“Supernatural” is just something in nature that we can’t understand. A supernatural event of today might become relabeled as natural in the future.
Some people have been exposed to dramatic evidence of ghosts and they can not help but believe. Others have not seen the evidence and they can not help but disbelieve.
Others, like me, have been told of the evidence by trusted people and they lean toward belief, but not in an absolute sense.
When I was in elementary school ball lightning was considered to be supernatural and was given in our science book as an example of superstition. Today ball lightning is a subject of serious scientific study.
The question of the existence or meaning of “God” is a subject well worth discussion, but it is not a question of belief in the supernatural vs belief in “hard” evidence. Hard evidence is that evidence which persuades you—it is subjective. Evidence is just evidence.
Because people lack consistency or are not well informed.
And many don't really get the atheism. Thing.
Some thinks it's just not being Christian, others that is not being part of organized religion. Others claim no personal good but a diffuse semi conscient energy or whatever the term they use.
Ghosts can be scientifically proven as a form of misplaced energy..."god" can't
@OwlInASack Ghosts/spirits are o form of energy that can be measured on different spectrums. This same energy runs through the human body (itsan electrical current). When we die it is dispersed. Now energy never avtually dies it weakens but is always there
Ummm, nobody polices what you believe here. And I think you grossly overestimate the believers in ghosts.....and have you read the responses to posting something like that hat?