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What do you think of tattoos on women? (This came up in another thread, prompting my curiosity). Would you date a woman with a neck tattoo? A chest tattoo? Do you think tattoos are irresistibly hot?

Orbit 7 Jan 27

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33 comments (26 - 33)

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In my opinion, tattoos don't look good on anyone. That's not to say that I haven't seen the occasional impressive artwork, but it is very rare and I would rather see it on paper or canvas. As someone who really appreciates many forms of visual art, I think that flesh is one of the poorest mediums.

If there is an image that I love and want to see often, I will get a print and frame it on a wall. If I later change my mind, no worries I just take it down. Not very easy to do with a tattoo.

And call me judgmental, but I can think of no worse tattoo than one the recipient will never be able to see without a mirror. To me that screams I must have the attention and/or approval of others. To each their own, though. Your body, do what you like.


Tattoos are an outward, permanent expression of an inner statement that you're hoping an artist correctly translates, in my opinion.

Even the most deeply held thoughts and beliefs are subject to change once new wisdom is applied.

They can be sexy.


Tattoos are sexy, no doubt.

Marz Level 7 Jan 29, 2019

Don't care one way or the other. There are however, nice tattoos and tacky tattoos.


I do have a female friend who has a lot of tattoos, I mean a lot and she is a very big lady too. She is such a lovely person, fun, kind and considerate. Unfortunately those tattoos don't do her justice at all.

says YOU. It's not your body. How about YOU mind your own business and let others live their lives as they see fit.

@SkotlandSkye So you know her to be able to say that they do not do her justice then? Which bit did you not understand when I said that she was a lovely person. And do you honestly think that your opinion is the only one that is allowed to be voiced? You twatt.

@Jolanta none of your judgmental business how someone’s tattoos look to you. Just like I think your hair is a fright and you need a’s your business if you want to look like you’re stuck in the 1950s, not mine.

@SkotlandSkye , @Jolanta "now kiddies, try to be nice "

@evergreen Yes mum. I promise I try. But she started it first.


I don't mind tattoos on women at all. Some look good and some look atrocious but that applies to blokes as well. My eldest niece has 13, they're all cool and well designed, and look great.


If she let me see the all I'm cool. I want to make sure they are appropriate?


I love tats and plan get more myself. That said, i will keep mine where scrubs can hide them so that they won't interfere with my work. That said, I love them on women as well and could care less where they put them as long as they are willing deal with whatever repercussions may come their way....but none of that will come from me

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