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Why is it that no matter which emoji I click on when I am looking at member photos only the like will register?

mooredolezal 7 Jan 28

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If you hover your mouse over you can see the breakdown of reactions

Thank you


Work fine for me.


I have the same issue.

I'm assuming you're trying to "love" some of my pics? Hehehe... kidding!

But, yeah. I've noticed that too.

I actually did look at your profile yesterday. I think you look best with the bob cut. I will love some of your pictures, let me know if it works.


on the phone, right? I can't click on any other emoji other than 'like' when looking at profile photos through the phone.

No I was on my laptop. The Emoji menu drops down but no matter which one I hit the drop-down list to the right with all the other people shows I pushed the like Emoji. This is with member pics. I have no problem under the comment section. It may be because I am only a four.


Just posted HaHa as a test on this post, and it seems to work fine. The emoji menu is a bit slow you can sometimes go wrong if you try to make it work too fast, you need to hover a second and then make a very deliberate stab. If that does not work for you, then I have nothing more and perhaps you should contact admin.

Thank you. I have no problem with postings. I'm talking about with member pictures on their profile page.


To you, yes. In their notification it will show the one you actually pressed.

MoniB Level 6 Jan 28, 2019

Your a 4star and I'm a 6star. I can see it, but that could be the difference.

Shit. Since I thought it was inoperable I gave out a bunch of likes where I could have been more romantic. Oh well.

@MoniB thank you. I think you are right because my comment emojis now display what I press and they did not before. So that was probably because I went from a 3 to a 4. PS I could not help but laugh at your bio because you wrote you had poor grammar and "to bare with you". That would mean to get naked with you. I'm sure I would enjoy that, but I think you meant to write "to bear with you"?

@mooredolezal hence, why I said I have bad grammar and I misspell words. Haha
I'm glad it works now.

@mooredolezal there I changed it. haha

@MoniB I knew you would?

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