Should it be illegal to indoctrinate kids with religion ?
Kids learn by example mainly. Formal indoctrination leaves them cold.
No. Impossible. We'd have to agree on a definition of religion first, and so far, we haven't been able to do that.
Exactly. And, dare I say, Atheism?
@MissKathleen When has an atheist ever shown up on your doorstep wanting to talk to you about not-Jesus?
Forbidden teachings, books, ideas ... all failed notions. We cannot forbid teaching other's ideas without forbidding teaching our ideas.
If our ideas are better ideas -- and I believe that they are -- then bad ideas will fail to compete. Self-limiting problem.
The practical problem is that we are still in the process of breaking the multi-millenium hegemony of religion with its unearned deference and respect in a slanted marketplace of ideas. But ... we ARE doing that. Science and reason are cats that are already out of the bag ... they cannot be un-seen.
Certainly, but no one will do anything about it. So sad that parents are often even responsible for the death of their child because of bias against surgery or biblical ideas that we "should not eat blood." Instead, they simply pray for the child and if death happens god must have wanted it that way. This is where law should step in and a concerned person have the child removed where they can get treatment.