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People are =/= to their religion

I am most definitely an infidel in that I have no belief in any god or gods. A person’s individual godview is the most basic right possible that a human being can have. I personally reject Islam, Judaism, and Christianity (among others)… but do not reject Muslims, Jews, and Christians. A person’s religion and religious culture are most predictably based on their family of origin, where they were born (geography), and when they were born (i.e. no Xians pre-Christ).

I stand with all people on the planet willing to work together as a species to live peacefully with each other and our environment. That does not change regardless of the actions of some who think their ‘godview’ justifies any number of horrible acts.

I reject those who use such acts to demonize people who are damned for nothing more than ‘guilt by association.’

~ LanceThruster

WilliamCharles 8 Jan 30

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"i tell you that many will come from East and West and recline at table with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom"

and there is no judgement for beliefs in the Bible that I am aware of


While I do not believe in any god exists I do not accept the label infidel because of the nasty image conveyed by th word. I am not a bad person as the Muslims imply with the word and many others who use the word in a negative way.

I embrace the word infidel. I started reading "Internet Infidels" early on in my godlessness.

@WilliamCharles Will give it a look. Have a nice day


Thx. U2.



good statement with one caveat: i do not believe the a person's individual godview is the most basic right. some don't even HAVE a godview (i don't mean believing there are no gods, but not even thinking about it one way or the other). but everyone needs to breathe, and have food and water, and shelter is important... no, the godview isn't even on my radar unless it's the basis for some injustice against a person.


By basic right I mean freedom of thought. People have been brutalized throughout history for expressing the "wrong" godview. Still are. It's why a government endorsement of "In God We Trust" infuriates me. How dare they presume to speak for me. Either the statement is a lie, or they don't consider me part of the "We."

Freedom of religion requires freedom from it as well to have any true meaning. Religionists are always trying to sneak the camel's nose under the tent for one damn thing or another. Dominionists want to govern via the Old Testament. How fucked up is that? Many fundies are near as bad.

@WilliamCharles it is A basic right to be sure. but people who are dead, or starving, or homeless, do not have freedom of thought. they are forced to think about nothing but survival. so A basic right, yes, but the MOST basic right, no. and... you didn't actually SAY freedom of thought in your original post. you specified godview. some people have a godview without the involvement of any thinking whatsoever! so as i said, i agree with most of what you said, but not that specific assertion.


And I like the term godview because it is truly all inclusive as your "view of god" is something that doesn't even warrant your time. You chose not to be bothered by it in the least. That's a godview.

@WilliamCharles yes i know what a godview is. i stand by everything i said.



Again, I disagree. No one can tell you what you're allowed to think. I was once part of a panel on religion for the Harvard Veritas forum at my university. In my opening remarks I thanked them for including me, as in different times, or different parts of the world, merely holding or expessing the views I do could get me ostracized, to suffer discrimination, beaten, tortured, imprisoned, and even executed.

It is one of the most fundamental human rights to not have that happen to you for holding thoughts out of step with the majority or the powerful. What you listed are needs for survival.


It's good to have that right, isn't it?

@WilliamCharles 'sigh yes it's good. i don't think you read everything i said.
in fact i don't think you read what YOU wrote. you didn't say ONE of the.
you said "the most basic right possible." and survival IS the most basic human right possible. without survival, you don't GET to think. but whatever.



I read it... and disagree. Just like the last time we went round and round. It's OK. We have no need to convince the other. We see the world through our own eyes. How could we do anything but?


If you were alone on a deserted island, but didn't do anything for your own survival, what would these "rights" as you put them get you? You'd be getting your "right" to air... unless you were under water or in a cave where the oxygen ran out. Your right to "air" needs to be breathable air. What if you did try to survive... fish, forage, hunt... but came up empty, or not enough calories to live, or it made you sick... really sick? You said you have a right to food. Who is denying you your rights?

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