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I miss House...

jeshuey 8 Jan 30

Enjoy being online again!

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I miss when he played in Black Adder

Me too. Black Adder was a really funny series.

@mzbehavin , the ladies do like it.


I saw him last year at the American Atheist convention in OKC. Seasons 1 - 8 are available for streaming to Amazon Prime members. Also, to any fans of Doc Martin, I think it's pretty obvious that character is also an atheist.

I love Doc Martin and I agree.


I'm also watching the re-runs. Love that sarcastic sob.


Yep. I still watch the reruns.


I really liked that show. I thought it had a good ending even if it was a bit sad.


Yep. One of my all time favourite shows.


See if you can find the TV movie a few years ago called "The night Manager" Hugh plays an arms dealer,quite well.


By far, my favorite "House" quote. I've actually used this verbatim when arguing with fundies about their magical space wizard.

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