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ना त्वहम कामये राज्यं न स्वर्गम न पुनर्भवं कामये दुःख तप्तानाम प्राणिनाम आर्त नाशनं...

"मुझे स्वर्ग और पुनर्जन्म वैसे भी नहीं चाहिए- होता तो भी नहीं" !

Aparichit 3 Jan 30

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अंग्रेजी बोलते हैं
इस सीन में कोई सबटाइटल नहीं हैं


Is graffiti allowed here????


I appreciate seeing Dev nagari script and Sanskrit shlokas here. Thanks ?


Not sure about the hindi translation of the second line. To me it sounds like the author doesn't want rebirth or heaven, but rather that animals under pain be liberated (and not born again)


Neither the working state nor the heaven nor the earth, nor the misery, but the misery of the soul ...

To wit
"I do not want heaven and rebirth anyway - even if not!"

Thanks for the translation. Google Translate is your friend and is just amazing.

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