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Just watched "Abducted in Plain Sight" on Neflix. It's like looking back into my childhood. The things I went through weren't as bad as the girl in the movie but I did have several traumatic experiences because my parents were easily manipulated and pretty much intentionally ignorant like the parents in the movie. They refused to see the clear evidence in front of them that bad things were happening because it would challenge their belief system and require them to stand up to others, which was terrifying to them. I'm working on forgiving them. I feel like the ideas in my childhood religion (same as the family in the movie) fosters that sort of deliberate blindness in people.

UpsideDownAgain 7 Feb 1

Enjoy being online again!

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Yup..same here.

My parents' generation, especially religious people, were taught to obey and trust authority, cover up anything that could "shame" the family. That even applies to my own generation, to some extent. Any attempt I made to expose abuse in the family resulted in anger, being ostracised.


I'm sorry for everything you went through.

I wish I could erase it all. I wish I could hug you.

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