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That is the way it is... You are One of Us or You are Out.

GipsyOfNewSpain 9 Feb 1

Enjoy being online again!

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Hypocrites, crying because they have to be away from their children while killing someone els children in countries they have no business to be in.

That is One way to Put it... Remember the homeless you provided Shelter Last Night? Nah, Me Neither Remember. I Never Once Complained of the Time Away from My Family or the Bitches that Benefit of Our Job or Mission Overseas. That's Life!!!! Never Expected anybody's Gratitude. I reckon You Appreciated when Your european ancestors showed up in ameriKKKa and Disposed of the Natives... In the name of the Lord... I may add. Look at yourself in the mirror.... You were never a Native of this Land.

@GipsyOfNewSpain What??

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