I hope everyone is doing well. I am sorry for not posting much but I have been busy. I am currently sick and feel like crap.
So sorry to hear that, whats the matter?
This flippity floppity weather and my long hours outside helping my brother move especially into the cold nights has caught my immune system off guard and I have a nasty cold.
@Ceaselessmind hugs (at a distance). Paracetamol, lots of fluids and rest.
Seems to be that time of year again.
Yes. It is. We went from polar vortex to heat wave. Near 80 degrees here.... My poor peach trees are already trying to bloom and my other flora are becoming active way ahead of schedule.
I hope you feel like posting soon.
I am trying. Things have been rather busy and my mental state has been very depressed. So I am logically lethargic. Not a good feeling.