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Things are not going so well today. My eldest Granddaughter's other Grandfather passed away this morning. I volunteered to go to where she works and tell her manager that Kaiya wouldn't be coming in today, because of her Grandfather, and she would call to let them know what the arrangements would be and when to expect her back to work. While talking to the manager, I had to stop for a while, because it reminded me of when Lisa passed. The Burger King where Kaiya works was getting crowded because it was getting close to lunch hour. I don't really like being the center of attention in a case like that, so I made it as quickly as I possibly could and left.

AncientNight 8 Feb 5

Enjoy being online again!

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Who is Lisa?

@AncientNight My apologies - it wasn't so clear to me but I might have missed a few posts - sorry for your losses.


That was very kind and loving of you. Big hug to you.


This might be a dumb question but why couldn't the young lady just call her manager on the phone and explain? It's not clear to me why a personal visit was necessary.


Sorry to hear of your loss. I hope Kaiya's manager will be understanding - some are not, and while I've never worked in that industry I could imagine fast food managers are probably not the best.

Jnei Level 8 Feb 5, 2019

Parents hurt when their children hurt. We feel helpless. Just being there helps. Good job.

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