I attend atheist discussion groups in Washington State. I'd like to know about others' experiences with skeptics groups.
12-15 years ago, I attended some atheist discussion groups, in the Seattle area, but I didn't get anything out of them except a feeling that I wasn't alone in being atheist. The discussions at that time seemed more political and negative, not inspiring on how secularity can be more acceptable or inspirational. They may have changed in recent years, I don't know.
12 years ago, I moved to a less urban area and tried to start a group here, but didn't have a lot of interest, so I let that go. I wanted to create awareness at county fairs and so on, and have a resource and support center, but that didn't happen. Too little interest. Everyone's happy without.
I think online discussion sites, like this, is more satisfying for me. I've heard of wonderful skeptic groups in larger urban areas.
My best friends are from my local atheist meet up!
The Vancouver Skeptics group's a pretty big bunch, isn't it?
Fairly active group.
Have you been to any of our meetings?
@StargazerWA about 5 or 6. Wore my agnostic.com shirt to the last one.
many people need religion as a crutch to just survive.
as misguided as they may be i would never try to dissuade them.
although i certainly don't appreciate the support that the evangelical nut cases give the potus.
fuck em all is my attitude. let it all shake out.
interesting times ahead. just like the chinese curse.