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Don't say nobody warned you middle class tRump voter. Taxes are being figured out now. Check out TYT.

Beowulfsfriend 9 Feb 5

Enjoy being online again!

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A lot of them will still blame it on the Democrats.


Well, if they weren't so lazy not to do just a modicum of research to discover what a con man Twump is, they might have saved themselves the agony. They have no one to blame but themselves. P.T. Barnum infamously said there's a sucker born every minute, and in 2016, they all voted for moron.

godef Level 7 Feb 5, 2019

Yup, If you are upper middle class and live on the east or west coast (democratic states) you get screwed. The whole country gets screwed because our deficit is increasing by around 2 trillion a year thanks to the tax cuts to Corp. and the top 1%.

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