People always say they would go back in time and kill Hitler... I've thought about it a lot, and I think I'd go back about 3 days after the first good Friday...
Interesting, and I hate to be a killjoy... but I'm reading Stephen Hawking's last book, and he discusses time travel in one of the chapters. I don't think it is going to happen in my lifetime, or my grandchildren's lifetime. It is a really good book, very readable considering Stephen's intellect.I highly recommend it. It is Brief Answers to the Big Questions.
So people would go back and kill Hitler because he remorseless killed millions trying to conquer other nations in order to build his own empire...then, how about Napoleon, Genghis Khan, Alexander "the great", Attila, Charlemagne and a lot of Crusaders? I rather go with the good Friday ...
People talk rubbish. As if that people would not have tried and besides why don't they look at what is happening now, all that injustice and put their energy to do something about that.