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l don't know.... is there a point where the people just say ''stop'' to gov. overreach?

Captain_Feelgood 8 Feb 6

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Just so you know, gov.overreach is not a website.

I think this, right now, is the point where people (starting with me) just say stop writing every phrase with a hash tag or pound sign or as if it's a web address. It doesn't give it any added significance, it just means you can't write in standard English.

You DO see the space between 'gov.' and 'overreach'.... yes?? Was not meant to be a website,, Paul.. ? Perhaps you should adjust your display settings to LARGE PRINT so you can see it a little better. ? Then go take you a zanny or something.. get laid... anything to help that attitude.. ????

No I did not.

In that case, "gov." is ALSO not a word. Take the extra second to type out the full word "governmental". My point still stands: Learn to use standard English, please. That would prevent such easily preventable misunderstandings. You would communicate what points you have more clearly.

This is part of the reason the current occupant of the White House seems like an imbecile; he writes misspelled and unpunctuated posts on Twitter which would fail a 6th grade English exam. It's an embarrassment to the office and to the nation, even if he himself is beyond being embarrassed.

@Paul4747 Ooooh my goodness, Paul. I am sooo lucky you were able to see and correct my grammatical errors.. Thank you, thank you, thank you sooo much.. You know, you should make sure you follow my posts, and make sure you let me know when l mess up again... Because you know l will.. And l tell you what, l will go join that 'Twitter' page and make sure l let our President know he needs someone to proof his stuff before posting it... YOU'RE THE MAN, PAUL!!! ?????


It won't happen but it would be a great way to ddocument the potential Medicare Savings


This is prohibition and that worked well in the US didn't it.


Yes and I think we’ve already reached that point.


That is a point of ridiculousness...what next, no sugar until you reach 100 unless you are thin?

I know we all want affordable health care but if we expect to all contribute and pay for it with taxes, then are we going to let the government dictate rules to make us healthier? What price should we be willing to pay? I deducted $50 a pay from employees who smoke to help pay for their premiums...I had every right to do it since it was my money...something to think about ...


@Pbpierson2 I would have if I could...the only legal way I could do it was that smoking has been recognized officially as a health one is pushing obesity...probably because it is harder to measure and set 20 pounds overweight healthy? Is the weight muscle or fat? etc. Too many other variables...but yes, if we don't figure out a way to stop being PC when it comes to obesity as a health issue, it is going to increase the burden on the health industry, costing money from someone..

@Pbpierson2 My favorite expression is Ignorance is Bliss...some days I just want to pour a couple of drinks, smoke a few joints, get naked and have crazy weasel sex without having to worry about all of this crap...oblivion is very seductive...but once you indulge, it is hard to get back caring and thinking, and I am afraid to sit out of the game of life, dulled and full of negativity...sigh...thanks< I think...

@Pbpierson2 You the scheme of things, none of this is going to matter much...the same stuff has been going on forever and each generation tries to make their own sense of it all...but it ends in the same place...we live a life and then we die...I am going to escape for a few hours...take a break so as not to fall into the dark...have a good evening, friend...see ya when the light gives hope once again...

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