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If you don't agree, I'd say you're not human.

James00346 7 Feb 6

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Well I’m fucking crying now thanks


The little special room........




yesterday my golde died... at home. the vet wanted to put her down and i said no. i took her home and she died hours later, as expected, but we had some snuggles. at one point she emerged from the safe, soft, warm place i had put her, so that she could put her paw on my shoulder and lay her cheek on my cheek. i'll remember that forever. but that's not always an option for everyone, and we should be considerate at the vet in case someone has no choice but to say goodbye there.


@Mortal thank you, dear. i don't know if i am okay but it doesn't matter; i plug on. it's hard to go into the bathroom because i fed her there, or the kitchen because she would ask me there to feed her in the bathroom, or the bedroom because she was my pillow cat, or the living room because her favorite chair is empty.... how am i supposed to go into any room of the house and not cry? so i cry.


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