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How dose one deal with medical condition/s that make it hard to socialize in public?

PatrickKerr 6 Feb 7

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I've had this condition my whole life. I'm on regular medication.


First and foremost, take care of yourself. Talk to a counselor if you need some support, perhaps consult with an occupational therapist who can help you manage day-to-day issues, and perhaps there are support groups you can find for people dealing with your condition; all can help you build more confidence... Put yourself out there in small steps. Start with simple things -- going to the store, sitting at a cafe, going to the library, etc. -- where you can be around people but don't have to socialize... As you feel better, take some courses or join some meetups of things you enjoy, it's a great way to safely meet people... And overall, there's nothing to be ashamed about having a medical condition. People can be quite understanding, and those who can't, it's really all about them and their insecurities, they're not worthy of your time or attention.


Depending upon what precisely the condition you are talking about is there are numerous 'therapies' you can try.
I've been battling Agorophobia for over 17+ years now and I've gone from a stage where even going outside of my house was an exercise in sheer apprehension mixed with absolute terror to the stage where I can interact fairly freely, at times, with staff at Supermarkets, Shops and fellow passengers on the bus, all this by simply taking things steady such as, initially making myself go outside for short periods of between 5 and 10 minutes a few times per day, then extending them as I felt more and more comfortable until now where I actually enjoy catching the bus, going into town for a stroll around, etc, talking to people who are strangers to me, etc.
It won't happen overnight BUT it will happen given the time and effort that you wish to apply to it.


This question is often asked by shy, young guys. They have trouble connecting with people due to their shyness and social awkwardness.

I believe shy guys turn to online dating because they are uncomfortable approaching women in real life. The trouble is when you meet women, your shyness and poor communication skills prevent you from connecting, once again.

The solution is to tackle your shyness and improve your communication and social skills. Ditch the headphones.

  1. See a counselor to help you build your self esteem.

  2. Join a gym and develop a healthy lifestyle that includes aerobic exercise and weightlifting. Weightlifting improves your posture and appearance and builds self-confidence.

Join exercise classes, book club, yoga and other activities where women congregate. Have fun! Regular exercise improves your mental, physical and emotional resilience.

  1. Join Toastmasters to improve your public speaking skills.

  2. Take communication classes at a community college.

  3. Join clubs and classes: hiking, photography, exercise and dancing, etc.

  4. Introduce yourself to three new people each day. Smile and shake their hand.

This is your LIFE, not a rehearsal.

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