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John Dingell you will be well remembered.

BufftonBeotch 8 Feb 7

Enjoy being online again!

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Read his name so many times in the old Detroit Free Press. And now the Freep is gone too. (Merged with the News, but still.)


One of the few pro-gun Democrats. []

I grew up on a farm and we had them.

I am in favor of gun rights.

But the gun humpers are ridiculous.

@BufftonBeotch Not much of an erudite statement. Just what "gun rights" are you in favor of and what is your constitutional basis?

@dahermit Gun humpers like the ones that leave a loaded gun between the mattress and box springs on which your toddler is playing?

Gun humpers that allow lax gun laws to remain so that the obviously violent and mental ill have access to firearms that lead to mass shootings.

@BufftonBeotch You are an emotionally based person that is not likely to be able to present a rational, logical argument. In short, you are not prepared to discuss the issue rationally...never mind.

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