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Chris Pratt on on The Late Show, I'm always amazed that half way smart people can be so ignorant because of their religious indoctrination. This has become my biggest objection to religion, it allows people believe unbelievable things without a scintilla of evidence. More evidence that faith is in fact not a virtue but has allowed humanity to stagnate in ignorance.

DaveSchumacher 7 Feb 8

Enjoy being online again!

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Pratt is a murdering prick that thinks going into the woods and shooting innocent beings is some sort of "sport". No one should be surprised he is totally delusional and has imaginary friends too. He is exactly the sort of arrogant wanker that religions love to brainwash.


I so agree. Faith requires a lack of evidence based thinking.


I fully agree with that. When I was religious it was because I was pointed that way. When I got away from religion fully it was because of bible study sprinkled with logic and a need of evidence.

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