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Loneliness is watching a great movie without someone telling you what's going to happen next.

Sharkymama 6 Feb 8

Enjoy being online again!

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My son (all round clever clogs) is murder to watch films with as he will constantly pull up historical inaccuracies or scientific nonsense. I say to him 'Jacob, its fantasy, just enjoy it'. Not a chance.


I know what you mean.


I HATE people talking to me while I'm watching a movie. One of the many reasons why I much rather go out and watch them alone.

The last movie I went to see was The Predator with my youngest son. Luckily he is the same way I am and we both allowed each other to watch it in peace.


That's not loneliness, that's independence. AND the chance to get the full value out of the suspense, conflict, jokes, whatever the focus of the movie.


I like talking about movies. ?

That's great, I only ask that you don't talk during the movie, especially at the movie theater.

I also love talking about movies, but not during the movie.


There's a car chase scene coming up


It's a trade-off, I guess. I'd put up with it.

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