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Birth order affects personality. It would be interesting to learn if a particular order of birth predominates on this site.(Revised poll—votes were erased. Please revote.)

  • 22 votes
  • 14 votes
  • 11 votes
  • 3 votes
WilliamFleming 8 Feb 9

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I put eldest, but to my Pop, I’m an only child.

You must be a very special person. 🙂

I am very surprised to see the eldest category so much ahead. It’s not at all what I expected. Any idea why that might be?

@WilliamFleming I know for me, being the eldest was hell. I was subjected to all the trials and errors of my mom and stepdad. I’m an atheist. My sister (middle) is agnostic. My brother (youngest) is a strong Christian.


Predominates on this site? Why so specific? I'm the youngest of three. Male. Have two wonderful older sisters. I've read several pop-sience books about evolutional biology and they are very tedious and specific but they were very informing. Changed the way I think about things. I value your work.


Second to youngest among four (G-B-G-B-G)


5th of 6


there should be more choices. i was one of four, the second child and only male. sex of siblings has a huge role in developing personalities.

I am very surprised to see that the eldest category seems to be winning. I don’t make much of it for the reason you say—there are a lot of different sized families with various age ranges. Maybe a statistician could make something out of it.


I was born the oldest and raised the youngest. Joys of adoption. Never know what to think of these birth-order things.

LB67 Level 7 Feb 9, 2019

I just voted and admitted I'm one of those spoiled only children. Being an only child men it was always my turn to wash the dishes vacuum fold the laundry and mow the yard. Yes I am sensitive about being identified as a spoiled only child. I grew up in a family that did not go to church. They said they believe but didn't feel comfortable in church since Daddy was a bootlegger and Nightclub owner. I went to church and even joined the Methodist churches got sprinkled at the age of 12 which is very very normal time for joining Minds piers in this activity. I can't vote twice but my husband who is also an atheist grew up in a non-religious family that said they believed in God. He was the youngest of three children I guess I can only vote once. My son and firstborn is also an atheist while my daughter is supposedly a believer that doesn't participate in any religion.


I'm first of seven children (My parents were Roman Catholics and therefore practiced Vatican Roulette). I'm a serious atheist, most of the rest are somewhat lapsed Catholics, one more atheist (No. 4) and one Methodist (No. 6).

Sounds like a great family!

I thought it’d be the rebellious youngest that would predominate here but looks like the eldest have taken the lead. It’s not a scientific survey and I’m not putting much stock in the results.

@WilliamFleming Strangely, not only do we all get along, but we vacation together every year in a chosen location. I know them all very well and know which subjects to address with each of them. I am closest in many ways with the one whose philosophy most matches mine. However, maybe because of my personal philosophy, I interact very well with all of them.


As far as I know (I stopped following the empirical psychological research on this last year) there is no stable effect of birth order on personality.

What you say appears to be borne out by this informal survey. There is no dramatic revelation as far as I can see.


I'm the youngest of six kids. The oldest and youngest in my family are both atheists. One of my sisters is "spiritual, but not religious", and the other three are Mormon like my parents were. However, my oldest brother is old enough to remember my parents before they converted, so I think that helped him when ti came to not believing.


I think it does but also how the parents deal with the different kids. I am the oldest and everything I wanted to do (like get a driver's license) was met with caution (by my parents). If it worked for me everyone else had an easier time. Since there were 7 of us by the time I left home my parents had more money to spend on the others (1 brother got his college paid for). However, out of 7 Catholics there is only one Jehovah's Witness and 6 atheists.

How many are Liberals who refuse to take personal responsibility for their actions?

((see? that's what an unprovoked attack looks like...and it's what you did to me...responding with something political when I didn't say anything political))


Looks about even to me


4th child out of 5, only atheist.


A very interesting thought!


We are all atheists in my family. In a sense, my vote doesn't count.


Only child????

I just added that option. Looks like all the votes got wiped out. Darn!


I'm an only child.

I’ve added that option.


I think birth order has some effect, but, environment and peers have a greater effect.
My siblings-
1st born - agnostic
2nd - theist
3rd - atheist
4th - theist
5th - agnostic atheist (me)

Not much of a trend showing up in this poll so far as I can see.

@WilliamFleming All I can say from my personal point of view, is that it seemed as though I was always in shadows of my of my brothers and less valued, but, I also learnt from their mistakes.

@GothRik Nice optimistic attitude!

@WilliamFleming My friend who was an only child was envious because I had brothers, but I explained it was a double-edged sword. He only had his parents to deal with, I had brothers and quite often they were very cruel psychologically

@GothRik I was a terror to my younger brother. I don’t know why—I loved the guy.


I am the youngest child:

Eldest brother: Southern Baptist
Second eldest brother: Catholic
Older sister: Catholic
Me: Secularist

2 boys/ 2 girls.

Sorry, your vote got wiped out when I added the Only Child option.


4th of five.. all girls.

Sorry but the votes got wiped out when I added “Only Child” as an option.

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