Well there was that one time they colluded with Ronald Reagan (Jim Baker) to over throw Jimmy Carter.
yes...Billy Carter was in on it too.
Add a cyber attack on Iran's nuclear program using a virus (under Obama), opening a whole new warfare system beyond land, nautical, air attacks. The irony is that the U.S. is the most vulnerable country in the world to cyber attack. If Iran or any other country uses a cyber attack on our infrastructure, we cannot "cry foul" since we were the first country to use a cyber attack on a country with which we were at peace. It was one of Obama's worst mistakes.
Shit we won’t just cry foul we’ll go at them with any all that we’ve got and we’ll come up with a reason to do it too. Just ask Iraq
@48thRonin We won't have anything to use to, "...we’ll go at them with any all that we’ve got...", it will all be nonfunctional...we will be back to the stone age except for our subs. Also, how will we know who did it? It "may" have been Iran...or Russia, or North Korea...we will not know for sure. Also, we cannot use Nukes...the rest of the world would go nuts if we did. We could only retaliate in kind (with non-functioning computer networks?) and if it was Iran, computer viruses are not likely to bother their goat herds much (they do not have a vulnerable infrastructure like we do). Apparently you do not understand the problem.
How do you know Iran hasn't done the same?
How do we know that Iran has not done the same? Because your lights still go on when you throw the switch. We have more than enough nuclear material that has been removed from disarming obsolete bombs that we do not need to make more with centrifuges like the Iranians do/did.
@48thRonin "nothing was said about using nukes." I just assumed when you said: "Israel would’ve let the world know by blowing the ? out of them.", that you were talking about nukes. Since the
Israelis bombed the Iranian nuclear reactor in 1981, their nuclear stuff has been taken so far underground that conventional bombs that Israel could use (even American bunker busters), will not destroy it. Therefore, your contention that Israel could use non-nukes to do substantial damage is likely not correct. However, the Israelis could bomb the hell out of their goat herds...that would likely really piss them off but in no way be a significant retaliatory measure for them destroying our electrical grid with a virus.
Iran was secretly helping us until those in power right now decided we should not have given them back their money and vilified them by telling lies about it. Even our citizens suddenly decided that we simple gave Iran some money.
Ding ding!! Someone else knows that it’s their money.
@LimitedLight You did not give them any money. it was theirs to start of with.
@LimitedLight It was their money in the first place and we froze it to keep them from it. Later we returned it and rival politics had a fit saying we gave money to Iran.
Are you moving to Iran?
Yes and you’re coming with me?
@IamNobody What does that have to do with visiting a foreign country and seeing for yourself what it’s really like instead of believing what our media decides to show us or tell us.
And if it hadn’t been for one of their ancient leaders Cyrus the great our constitution might’ve read a lot differently because he influenced the concept of religious and ideological freedom as being a right that a government of man shouldn’t control.
There’s ancient ruins there that predate the pyramids as well as one hell of a ski resort.
But Murica!! Right? ?