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Rewatched "west side story" it still is as appealing now as it was in the 60s. The modern day romeo and juliet story will be around and relevant for a long time. Not a comic book super hero story. Please treat yourself to a great movie night.

michaelj 7 Feb 10

Enjoy being online again!

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First let me say, I have always enjoyed West Side Story. It was my introduction to Rita Mareno and Natalie Wood. I will always be thankful for that, lol.

Now for the but; we are in a world and society today that is intent on exposing traditional icons and stereotypes. I am guilty of being part of that. In a way it reminds me of the icon revealing of the late 60' and early 70's of which I was a burgeoning teenager on the cusp of young adulthood. Just like then, we were intent on weeding out incorrect and inappropriate stereotypes and images hurtful to marginalized communities and peoples. I have been a social activist for the better part of 50 years.

Having lived and worked in the hispanic and Native communities all these years, I have been constantly exposed to the pain or annoyance that these communities experience when incorrectly portrayed by the dominant society. It is no slight matter in the communities, it goes to their own cultural identity and social relevance.

This is especially very true with movies made in the 50's, they are problematical. So to it is with West Sides Story's depictions of Puerto Ricans. Below are 3 articles about how the movie got it wrong and how that matters to the community depicted.

Sorry to be a buzz kill and bring relevance to what was an innocent post about a movie we all grew up with. But it is important to continue to reveal things that are not only not real or inherently misleading and potentially harmful. Read at your own peril. Sorry.

The West Side Story Appropriation We Never Really Talk About: []

A Puerto Rican Reading of the American West Side Story: []

An Out and Out Plea for Racial Tolerance: West Side Story, Civil Rights, and Immigration Politics: []

I thought the puerto ricans were portrayed much better than the jets. And thought that back when I first saw the film. I don't disagree with you. But for the most part the jets came out as the jerks

@michaelj. I hear you. Problem is its their heritage and culture. Eliminating all the Puerto Ricans that just have culture axes to grind for no other reason but tip over the apple cart. the remaining may offer cultural insights.


I love the Broadway cast. I can't believe they are remaking it. it will be more authentic with a Hispanic cast but i love the original.

A remake of a classic is fool hardy at best

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