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“In order to truly learn, the first step is to empty ourselves of our preconceived notions. One can not fill a cup which is already full. We are often too full of ourselves and our own conclusions; we have no space for anything else. In order to receive knowledge and wisdom from both nature and people, we have to be open to that which is new and utterly different. When we empty our mind of prejudices, pride and fear, we become open to endless possibilities of perception.”
~ presentationzen

MissKathleen 9 Feb 13

Enjoy being online again!

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I have heard it said, "knowing that you don't know is the first step to true wisdom." If I rest on a pre-conceived notion, such as 'stealing is wrong.' This position is correct in a great majority of scenarios. However, it is not an absolute, and cases for its justification can be made for outlying circumstances. A person who accepts 'stealing is wrong' will not accept those unless he/she can bench the notion and hear out the proposition without bias.


on the other hand, if you totally empty yourself of all of your knowledge, you have no context for what you are about to learn. google pol pot, killing fields, khmer rouge. you have to keep an open mind, not an empty one!


Agreed, although it depends, I think, on what "empty yourself" means. I suspect the intended meaning is not to erase all previous understanding, but to not be over-attached to it, to be truly open to changing your views. To be empty in terms of ego attachment to your current ideas, understandings, and beliefs. One can have knowledge, understanding and clear, supportable beliefs without having prejudice, pride, fear, and rigidity of thought.

@mordant this is true -- but i don't think most people who read those words necessarily know the difference. i am not even thinking of pol pot this time.



I am not sure about that one. Sometimes it is all about experience. One day we experience a situation one way and another a different way and hopefully we learn from it.


Such of lovely concept! I love these little tid bits. If for nothing else just a reminder of proper interactions with others. I thank you.

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