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I Remember when Slavery was Popular... Very Popular for Many, Many Centuries... and still there are Forms of Slavery Practiced... but One Day... Slavery will be Buried even if it Takes capitalism with it. So be it...

GipsyOfNewSpain 9 Feb 13

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Not counting economic slavery and marriage and family slavery of woman like in parts of the Mideast, the Anti Slavery organization estimates 200 million or more slaves. That is horrific.

That is how Capitalism works Slaving you with Consumption Debts until you Die... until you Die... I could see 100 years from now... russia will be the most Capitalist country in the world... USA will be a Socialist nation and China will continue to be Isolated. And if the Middle East do not wise up and Drop the islam bullshit they will continue to be in history the Slaves of the World.

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