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How do you react when a friend or relative dies from a disease or accident and someone says "everything happens for a reason" or "it was in god's plan."

Specman 6 Nov 5

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Everything does happen for a reason... but these reasons have nothing to do with any type of planification..


I try not to respond, but if I am force to, I say, "I don't believe that", and try to walk away.


In the heat of the moment I don't think even most theists want to hear platitudes such as that.


I refute the idea there and then


It angers me. There is no god, ergo no plan from god. If there were a loving god, he she, or it would create horrible or disasterous situations for people to be in.


I usually roll my eyes being careful not to let the grieving person notice. But, Jezus really? Shit happens and our brains try to make sense out of the un-senseable and reason is born.


reaction/reply - yep, to bad!

mzee Level 7 Nov 5, 2017
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