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What accent does your Alexa have? Ours has a rather posh English accent. In Australia, is it an Australian one?

Amisja 8 Feb 16

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If it's like my Sat_Nav, I can choose which "voice" I want.

You can't. I asked her

@Amisja She didn't understand your Northern accent!

@Petter haha


I've never met anyone called Alexa, but I guess different people have different accents.

I'm confused by this question...

Alexa is the little dot you get from Amazon which helps you manage (controls) your life

@Amisja They never sent me one. I don't know how I've done it all this time.


I don't do Alexa, but I do know that my GPS in USA had an American accent and an Australian GPS has an Australian accent. I find that weird.


I don't have. There are programs that can change the voice. My GF has a British Lord sounding posh type.


If not had one, and I won't, I'd make it sound like the spy it is.

Thats what my son says. They would be really disappointed with me.


It has to be better than my Bonnie Tyler SatNav. It just kept telling me to turn around, and every now and then it fell apart.

Jez3 Level 5 Feb 16, 2019


@Amisja I know. Sorry ?

@Jez3 hahaha

Bright eyes?

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