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So, I found what may be a wing in a can of beef Stew. How is the best way to preserve the evidence for a settlement claim? I already messed things up by puking on it and throwing it in the trash.

onthefire 7 Feb 16

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We found a piece of cardboard in a soda.. called poison control because it looked like a nemotode, we got some coupons for more soda, that's it


If it had been in a pork casserole then it was probably sponsored by Pink Floyd 🙂


Unless you suffer Permanent harm, (demonstrable after 4 or 5 years) you have a very small claim.
Take pix, write a letter describing the incident, also the information on the label (which will identify the packer & distributor) to the company, you might get a few bucks but probably just a bunch of coupons.


I might puke too

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