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I just noticed that posts made to groups don't count as posts, only posts made to the community count.

RileyStevens 7 Feb 17

Enjoy being online again!

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FALSE That's not true, but you can "hide" your group posts on your profile. A post is a post.

I tried an experiment:
I looked at my Post Count then posted to a group and checked my Post Count again. It had not changed. I then posted to "the Community" and when I again checked my Post Count it had gone up by one.

Maybe a site glitch and points are slow, I wouldn't put any weight into it. it's still false, you will get the points. Watching point totals have driven many members crazy, fair warning!

Based on your comment i went to and adjusted settings. Thanks for your help


So that's why they get posted to main feed in addition to within their group?

And why hiding a group is a waste of time since the posts are on the main feed anyway.

Most get posted to the main feed because they are also posted (shared)to the main feed. There is an option for that.


What do you mean? You mean for points and therefore level advancements?


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