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Climate change seen from the eyes of a wise 16 year old.

yogafan108 7 Feb 19

Enjoy being online again!

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Truly an amazing young person, I agree wholeheartedly with everything she said.
The human species is akin to a virus in that we infest and infect everything we come into contact with, we 'claim' that we know what is needed for all things around us BUT in truth we simply commit rapine and pillage on a global scale every so politely call it PROGRESS.
This planet IS our ONLY home and the ONLY home our children and Grandchildren will have, there is NO Planet B, either we change NOW or simply, like almost every other species on this tiny little rock spinning around the sun, WE WILL go EXTINCT.


I really think it'd be a good idea if we just sacked all politicians and put Greta in charge of everything instead.

Jnei Level 8 Feb 19, 2019

@yogafan108 Me too, she'd get my vote for certain.

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