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What is your point of view?

The world's population is set to reach 10 billion people by 2050; that growth, plus our current diet and food production habits, will "exacerbate risks to people and planet,".

NiceFarm 5 Feb 20

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As countries mature the birth rate declines.


A global approach is essential. We can no longer live complacently thinking like individuals rather than like groups and nations. I keep seeing that quote: "There is no Planet B". We need to care and act on a much larger scale. I don't have the answers to how this will happen or even if this will happen...but the human race has to wake up and act. Maybe it could start with more public health education, which should include Ecology and Sustainability Practices. Corporations and industries will need to have incentives for going green and penalties for polluting and wasting resources. And our politicians will need to be better educated about these world population findings. So many of them seem blind, ignorant and resistant to policies that will decrease risks to our planet (and all the earthlings who will suffer.)

@TheAstroChuck And those are the politicians to target as being threats to the health of this planet. If they don't represent the kind of future we want for our kids and grandkids, what are they doing in office anymore? I hope this new political season will prove that campaign donors from a lot of small donors will speak volumes. And showcasing how the new green economy can create well paying jobs and profitable industries.

@TheAstroChuck You paint a grim picture there. Dependence on fossil fuels will have to be gradually weaned, that is for certain. Along with our ever growing addiction to overly processed meats and cheap (a.k.a. nutrient poor) foods. I just wish my country (U.S.A.) was at the forefront of the technology and research it's going to take to have a sustainable prosperous future. Our heads are in the proverbial sand...short term profits but no long term plans.


There's no fucking way the planet can sustain that many people for very long.......

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