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Every day, my feed is filled with hateful, ignorant, pro-Trump republican rhetoric from people I've known for years as friends but since president turdface came into power, many of them have lost their minds. You should see some of the divisive hate fueled crapola I'm seeing...every goddamn day!

I've kept myself in check and ignored it but, christ almighty, I came close to blowing my stack tonight. The endless parade of idiocy I'm swallowing is starting to make me choke.

I just want to go off but I'm not making a spectacle of myself over this. I've lost a lot of respect for about a half-dozen "friends" whose politics are bewildering to me.

Sgt_Spanky 8 Feb 23

Enjoy being online again!

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After reviewing this, I think you can rest assured that ignorant, hysterical, hateful rhetoric isn't a Republican monopoly. There's plenty of it to go around.

MOst bewilderment on the Left and the Right is due to narrow scopes of understanding. For the misguided the scope can be broadened. For the stupid, they just have to blow smoke out of their ears and screw themselves into the ground.


Two members of my family are fully on board the trump train. One is alcoholic military type who probably has a dishonorable discharge and his 20 year old son who worship guns and patriotism. They live with my father and have made any semblance of good family relations impossible. It's been like The Invasion of the Body Snatchers. Right wing hate spewing from the media for decades is destroying our society in my opinion. I just unfollow anyone who is incapable of rational thinking and expression.

You know my pain.


My FB is a peaceful place. I use block there too


I found out not long ago that someone I know, an otherwise highly intelligent person, formed their opinion of the Gillette commercial without having even SEEN it themselves.
I was shocked and saddened that someone like this would do that. His freaking head was exploding over it. SAD!!!
We live in really scary times.


You can unfollow them instead of unfriending, and then you won't see their posts in your newsfeed.


You can stop seeing people's posts without unfriending them. I did that to several people. Several that were on my friends list just because they were game friends went away.


What Carole said.


I can't wrap my head around the fact that you would have "friends" like this, what's the point?

They seemed perfectly reasonable for years. Since Trump came into power it's like some inner madness has consumed them. I guess the potential was always there and it took Trump's poison to bring it out.

I would dump them, they are seriously flawed. You can do better.

@CaroleKay I'm rapidly getting there. I have other friends who are also Xian and repubs, they're just not obnoxious about it. I'm fine with that, it's these Trumptards I can't deal with.

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