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How are you all today? I get to do a little acting later, playing someone who is in the throws of mania. If I can I'll send the vid (my tech skills are not good). So move over Olivia Coleman (who is lovely btw)...
Have a beautiful day wherever you are.
Much love Jayney xx

Amisja 8 Feb 26

Enjoy being online again!

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Break a leg!!! ?


I took part in a few training videos once, playing a really bitchy, nasty, harsh manager who was horrible to staff. The guy directing it said I looked ideal for the character!

Jnei Level 8 Feb 26, 2019

hahaha that's funny. Thats fab acting because you not like that at all.


Break a leg! 😉 Training video?

We have a student who is failing in clinical practice as he is unable to undertake a mental state examination, risk assessment and formulation. I am being a manic patient so he can practice on me.

@Amisja That's cool! I hope it works and gets him over the hump.

@RavenCT It has but he didn't want it being hoo

@Amisja Okay a reinactment!

@RavenCT erm well its just an enactment as I am generally not manic...although I played a blinder. Bright orange lipstick and blue eyeshadow and mismatched clothes.

@Amisja Ah wow - full on? Hey if it got him there - that's a good thing.

That is honestly how we often knew a client was swinging badly - the clothing.

@RavenCT Exactly

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