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Well I just finished my short film a day ago so I'm doing pretty good. Today I start a new one on trying to teach people the world is round. I never though I'd have to say that in 2018.

Tess 3 Feb 27

Enjoy being online again!

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Good luck with that. Flat earth is a religion to the hard corps mental corpses on their platter pattering.

jeffy Level 7 Feb 27, 2018

I don't like obama, but one of the smartest things he ever said was "we don't have time for the flat earth society."

Lol I'm always like how do we have this. Like some things it is hard to prove but hey we have a mountain of evidence, photos, video, take a plane to 30000 feet you can bloody see a curve. I'm just like what, how. Lol


You might want to consider combining them for a start on a 'trilogy' by making the new one about convincing short people that the world is round. At their height it looks even flatter. 🙂


Flat earthers have got to be trolls. Please let them be trolls.

I wish they where mythical lol

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