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If you could change something about 2017, what would it be?

Millie 6 Feb 27

Enjoy being online again!

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Go back and NOT have my eye surgery.

@Millie afraid so, eye test suggest result no better or worse than before surgery, but my previously better to see with eye, is now not as clear as the other. The result was supposed to be a vast improvement. So all the dramas and discomfort/pain was a waste.


Believe it or not, I would change very little. 2017 was a better year for me than the last five before it. It was still a challenge, but I’m finally moving forward in my life. Getting mentally healthy, living happily on my own with my puppies.....


3 hospital stays. Moving into a much better year, minus a difficult divorce.


I would have made sure my brother-in-law never boarded his last flight, and stayed home sick instead.


get rid of the electoral college.


I would change nothing. To change anything in my life would change me.


I'd keep the embassy in Tel Aviv. Even a wonderful president can be wrong. Genius is rare but not infallible. 🙂


The mass shootings.


Trump and Pence would not actually take office.


Absolutely everything. It was, far and away, the worst year of my life.

Jnei Level 8 Feb 27, 2018

I have to agree! 3 hospitalizations, ousted from an international organization, and no love from the woman I need to live.


My age.

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