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OK, so here's the thing. I grew a brain and rejected the religious beliefs that wrecked my life ten years or so ago. Since then I've taught my two kids how stupid religion is. Or tried to. My wife, with whom I no longer live, has clung to her religion. She's not fanatical or preachy, never reads the book or anything or even prays but she still hangs on to her belief and goes to church with her mother. (arg!) Nazarene.

Fast forward, my son is now in the Marines. I'm very proud of him except there is a religious culture in the military that does not belong there. He even told me his promotion was held because they reviewed MY facebook and objected to my atheist and political views. (Fuck Trunkf) This is bad enough, but...

When he came in for Xmas he hooked up with a girl he went to school with. Her family are uber-rightwing Baptists. Her father is ex-marine. The relationship is now serious, marriage in June, and the girl's family have gone after my son with a vengeance. Xmas we had a big argument over the fact that he asked if I would respect his being an xtian and I said no, it's stupid. He also asked me to "tone down" my FB. I told him no way will I do that. He said his soon to be inlaws didn't like my FB and might interfere with him and the girl. I told him I will not give up my right to free speech and said the Marines and those religious assholes can go fuck themselves. I was not happy to be chastised by an 18 year old over free speech.

He later apologized for being an ass, which he was, and we're getting along fine but still he's marrying into a bully xtian family full of idiots. This just might tear us apart and it worries me. How do ya deal with these crazy religious nuts? Their speech is fine, they can shove their religion in my face but I am supposed to "respect" their bullshit. um.... no.

The thing is, when I was uber-religious myself I was not an ass to nonbelievers and I respected their rights. I guess that's one reason I didn't last. Religious people and their attitudes pissed me off then too. And now it's a war for my son.

Anyway, my rant for today.

FecklessTed 4 Mar 5

Enjoy being online again!

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Who your son marries is his business.

I can tell you from personal experience that no good deed goes unpunished when, no matter how well-meaning you are, you try to spare your child from a poor decision. I tried to warn my daughter about the dipshit that she inexplicably chose as her first husband and it just pissed her off and, in fact, may have turned up the amplifier on her love goggles. He went on to cheat on her 3 times, and had bipolar disorder and couldn't hold a job, and ultimately she divorced him. I didn't even say "I told you so"; by that time I had let go of my need to be right or to be respected by my own children. I'm kind of an "18 and out" guy anyway, I did my bit nurturing them, and if they want to screw up their lives, or don't want my input, then they can knock themselves out.

However I don't know that this is even a bad decision. I wouldn't judge the character of his fiance by her religion of origin. She might be quite sweet and kind as a life partner. Naive, doubtless. Avoidant of truth, for sure. But if she's kind and loyal to your son, isn't that the main thing?

You don't have to be a firebrand about everything. You can politely decline family observances. You can be frank (as you obviously have) about your views about god but you don't have to flog them; you can say your piece and then let it go and make the best of it.

And there's no percentage in being controlling around it. That is in fact what the Baptists are doing -- be better than them. It's the best revenge.


Just make sure don't isolate your son. You don't want religious nut jobs being the only influence on your son or future grandchildren. Honestly, there is a good chance that they'll end up divorced. You'll always be his father.

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